Thursday, May 1, 2008

My Baby, Baby

Well here is what you all have been waiting for. Jasmine and I went to the doctor last month and we got to find out what kind of baby that we are having (that is how I usually say it). Jasmine and I have talked about if we wanted a boy or a girl for a while before she was actually pregnant. Both of us, if I remember correctly, wanted to have a baby girl. So the day we went to the doctor I wore a pink shirt. To be honest, I really didn't think about the pink shirt until we arrived but it was like wearing a Jazz shirt at the Jazz game if you catch my drift. I was rooting for a little girl even if it was subconsciously.

So here is how it all went down.

1. Ultrasound Tech was late.
2. We were nervous.
3. Jasmine almost fainted.
4. The goo for her belly was not cold.
5. Jasmine was happy.
6. I flirted with the Ultrasound Tech.
7. The Ultrasound Tech loved it.
8. Saw some baby pics.
9. Found out the baby looked normal.
10. Waited with anticipation.
11. Found out what kind of baby we are having.
12. It is a girl!!!!!!!!!!
13. Pink shirt worked.
14. I teared up.
15. Jasmine cried.
16. Jasmine got sick.
17. The Tech made Jas lay on her side.
18. I flirted a little more with the tech.
19. She still loved it.
20. The end.

P.S. I will post pictures really soon.


  1. CONGRATS!!!!!!!YAY FOR GIRLS!! you know that they ARE the BEST ya know :o) names?!?!

  2. Yay for babies! Jasmine almost fainted? Well, we are happy you guys are getting what you wanted. You need another girl in that house. Poor Jasmine is way outnumbered.

  3. That's funny. Tim did you spank the ultrasound tech for being late?

  4. I am sooo excited for you guys!!
