Wednesday, January 26, 2011

The addition...

We are happy to announce that we are adding to the Masias clan!! I am a little over 12 weeks along and due around August 9th, although I am shooting for earlier to avoid having another 9 pounder. :)
The first 10-11 weeks were pretty rough as far as being sick but I've been feeling much better the past week. I'm pretty sad about having to go to a new doctor and delivering in a new place, we've even considered going back to Utah for the whole summer so I can deliver there but I think I'll just suck it up and deliver here.
Matt was a little shocked when we told him but he said he just hopes it's a boy so the baby wont boss him around like Reagan does. LOL!!! Reagan knows there is a baby in mommy's tummy and is learning to be a little softer and not jump on me all the time.
We'll keep you posted on the pregnancy.


  1. YAY!!! Daniel just told me the good news today too.. That's so exciting!!! And that is hilarious about Matt :) I'm glad you are feeling better.. keep us all posted on all the fun details!!

  2. That is so exciting! I hope you have a little boy for Matt's sake. Reagan will still boss the younger child too.

  3. Hello! New follower here :) I am featuring your blog on mine. Cant wait to hear more about your family and pregnancy! I too am expecting baby #3, in October. I know what it is like to have to see new OBs and new hospitals. Good luck and hope your pregnancy goes swell!

